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Job Aids & Infographics

5 Ways to Manage Anxiety

My Roles:

Instructional Designer & Developer

Printable Job Aid

Delivering Feedback to Employees

Google Slides

Portfolio Mockups Template (13).png

For this project, I designed a printable job aid to serve as a handy 1-page reference tool to remind employees of the steps of the feedback method they learned about in their eLearning training.  Ideally, employees would receive both a hard copy and a link to the pdf to reference digitally on their device of choice to further support the use of this newly learned method.  Branding remained consistent between eLearning and Job Aid design.

SBI Job Aid.png
Portfolio Mockups Template (15).png
Portfolio Mockups Template (17).png

My Roles:

Instructional Designer & Developer

Printable Job Aid

Energy Star Version 3.1


Portfolio Mockups Template (6).png

For this project, I designed a printable job aid to serve as a handy 1-page reference tool to remind clients of the tools and strategies that were addressed in the Instructor Led Training. The job aid can also be shared digitally and includes both a QR code and links to access the full presentation for more detailed reminders. 



Screenshot 2024-01-24 141708.png

My Roles:

Instructional Designer & Developer

Printable Infographic

5 Ways to Manage Anxiety



For this project, I designed a printable infographic to accompany my Rise 360 course on Managing Anxiety so learners could access this information even after completing the course.  


For time efficiency, I began with a Canva template and customized colors, fonts, and graphics to align with course branding.  

Portfolio Mockups Template (3).png
Heading (2).png

My Roles:

Instructional Designer & Developer

Printable Job Aid/Infographic

Getting and Using the Pear Deck Add-On for Google Slides


Heading (1).png

For this project, I designed a printable infographic to accompany both my Rise 360 course and my ILT/VILT on Implementing Distributed Summarizing in the Classroom Using Pear Deck.  This will serve as a useful reference for anyone who may need to review the steps for completing this task.


For time efficiency, I began with a Canva template and customized colors, fonts, and graphics to align with course branding.  

Portfolio Mockups Template.png
Heading (1).png
Adding Pear Deck
Energy Star Version3.1
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